Shoulder Clinic


Dr Kenneth Cutbush - Research Studies

Research is at the heart of helping to create better patient outcomes and is incredibly important to Dr Cutbush.

If you have had a consultation with Dr Cutbush and are going ahead with any of the surgeries that are listed below, then it is quite likely that you have been requested to be a part of his research.

In the following videos, Dr Cutbush takes you through each of his current research studies, what they involve and what you can expect as a patient by participating in one of these studies.

If you have any further questions regarding Dr Cutbush's research, please don't hesitate to contact his office at
(07) 3063 5500 and ask to speak with his research assistant.

Research Consent

Latarjet & Labral Repair

Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement

Total Shoulder Replacement

The Rotator Cuff & it's Biology

Humeral Head Bone Quality

Rotator Cuff Repair

Superior Capsular Reconstruction